Stepparent adoption can have a significant effect on the dynamics within a family. This process legally solidifies the role of a stepparent, creating new relationships and redefining existing ones. Understanding how this adoption can impact family interactions can...

Child Custody
Missouri paternity laws and unmarried fathers’ custody rights
Paternity laws in Missouri can significantly influence the rights of unmarried fathers when it comes to custody and visitation. Understanding these laws is crucial for fathers seeking to maintain a relationship with their children. Establishing paternity Establishing...
Should you modify child custody as kids grow into teenagers?
As kids grow into their teenage years, their needs, interests and daily routines change a lot. Sometimes, the child custody arrangements set when they were younger might may no longer serve their best interests. Adjusting custody to match these new needs can help both...
The effects of parental alienation on child custody
In the emotionally charged arena of child custody battles, one aspect that often takes a toll on children is parental alienation. Parental alienation occurs when one parent systematically undermines the child's relationship with the other parent. The common results of...
What to know about stepparent adoption
As a stepparent, you have the responsibility of caring for your stepchildren. If you live with these children, you may want to be more than a stepparent, particularly if your spouse’s ex is not involved in their lives. Have you considered adopting your stepchildren?...
Creating equal-time parenting plans for your children
Despite the widespread misconception that custody courts favor the mother, judges are prioritizing equal time with both parents more than ever before. Most judges recognize the importance of preserving relationships between the child and both parents, so they look for...
3 reasons a judge will make custody modifications
Even when a custody plan has worked for years, shifts in circumstances may cause a parent to request a modification. Judges can change a child custody order if they deem it necessary. Here are some common reasons they would do so. 1. A parent is relocating...
What is a Parenting Plan?
In divorce, equal child visitation is not a given. Even if you meet paternity requirements, the other parent is not obligated to let you see your child. If you worry the other parent will not honor your right as a parent, apply for a Parenting Plan. If you pay for...
Parenting after divorce: Which method fits your situation?
While most divorcing parents understand they need to put their kids’ best interests first, maintaining a relationship with an ex-spouse can create a dilemma. That’s especially true when infidelity or neglect was present during the marriage. Parents who work together...
When should I request a child support modification?
When parents get divorced, they must abide by the terms of the child support agreement, where one party – the so-called noncustodial parent - must pay support to the custodial parent. However, circumstances change, and over time, many valid reasons can lead either...