Even when a custody plan has worked for years, shifts in circumstances may cause a parent to request a modification. Judges can change a child custody order if they deem it necessary. Here are some common reasons they would do so. 1. A parent is relocating...

Family Law Legal Blog
Ways to get back on track after a divorce
Depending on what the process looks like for an individual, going through a separation or divorce can be a major life disruption. Getting a divorce often involves a change in living situation, an adjustment in finances, and a change in the amount of time that you...
Can you support yourself after a divorce?
As a stay-at-home parent, you face unique challenges during your divorce and have many additional concerns for the future. If you left a career or did not receive an education to care for your family, your decision impacts your ability to earn an income immediately...
What is a Parenting Plan?
In divorce, equal child visitation is not a given. Even if you meet paternity requirements, the other parent is not obligated to let you see your child. If you worry the other parent will not honor your right as a parent, apply for a Parenting Plan. If you pay for...
What not to post on social media during your divorce
Social media is a way to connect with friends and share daily happenings. Going through a divorce takes up a significant amount of your time, energy, and headspace, so sharing your experience on your social accounts may seem natural. Emotions can run high during the...
3 requirements for stepparent adoption in Missouri
The U.S. has a large number of blended families. In some cases, the merging of households is so successful that stepfamilies decide to form legal bonds as well as emotional ones. If you are a stepparent in Missouri who loves your stepchildren as if they were your...
Parenting after divorce: Which method fits your situation?
While most divorcing parents understand they need to put their kids’ best interests first, maintaining a relationship with an ex-spouse can create a dilemma. That’s especially true when infidelity or neglect was present during the marriage. Parents who work together...
When should I request a child support modification?
When parents get divorced, they must abide by the terms of the child support agreement, where one party – the so-called noncustodial parent - must pay support to the custodial parent. However, circumstances change, and over time, many valid reasons can lead either...
Recognizing the signs of parental alienation in children
Whether you are recently divorced or currently in the process, it can be difficult to keep your children out of the drama when tensions are running high with your ex. But while it isn’t the end of the world if your kids see you express frustration or annoyance with...
Helping your children understand your decision to divorce
Children of parents seeking a divorce might be sad, upset or even think that your divorce is their fault. But with your help, they might be able to move through this confusing or difficult time with more ease. Helping your children understand why you chose to divorce...